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Therapeutic Modalities and Interventions

There are different therapeutic modalities and techniques that have an evidence base showing their effectiveness. Amongst those recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Mindfulness.


CBT is an evidence based psychotherapy that offers effective ways of change. It focuses on the relationship between our thoughts, our feelings and our behaviour and helps us to explore this to identify problems and understand what maintains a problem. CBT is recommended for a range of anxiety and depressive conditions. 


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, known as ‘ACT’ (pronounced as the word ‘act’) is a mindfulness based cognitive behavioural therapy that has a major emphasis on values, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, living in the present moment, and accessing a transcendent sense of self.  
These skills are taught and practised in therapy to help clients create and live a rich and meaningful life guided by their values, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes with it.  Barriers to valued living such as unwanted and difficult internal experiences (thoughts, images, sensations, memories) are identified and mindfulness skills taught as an effective way of coping with these and help us to change our relationship with them, thus reducing their impact and influence over our life.
ACT has proven effective with a variety of problems including pain, addictions, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and stress.

Mindfulness CBT

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